PBO Chairman’s Message to the APO

On behalf of the Officers and Diplomates of the Philippine Board of Orthodontics, a hearty Congratulations to the Association of Philippine Orthodontists as we jointly celebrate our 32nd anniversary and reflect on the achievements and milestones of the past two years.

The adopting of World Federation of Orthodontist’s guidelines conveniently converged with the recent legislative passage of local laws and resolutions together with the availability of university-based orthodontic programs, has facilitated a Tipping Point in Philippine Orthodontics. If the term, “the Philippine Setting” describes the APO/PBO’s 1st 30 years, it has now been superseded by, “the Global Standard” that is the public and government’s expectation that the local orthodontic specialist has earned the minimum standards of Credentials, Clinical Competence and Certification. Credible standards reached with the synergism possible through accredited university-based programs partnering with the APO through the PBO. Congratulations to the programs that stepped forward to apply for PBO Accreditation. The academician’s credo, “publish or perish” has now been amended to include, “partner and participate.”

Through the PBO, we look forward to the quantitative growth from those applying for membership into the APO as well as your qualitative development from those who aspire for APO/WFO Fellowship. Heartfelt congratulations to the successful examinees who participated in the PBO Examinations.


Robert I. Eustaquio DMD MPH MSD
Chair, PBO 2011-2012