

Time to Scale New Heights!

Several years back, the Philippine Board of Orthodontics was run by a select group of individuals who had seemingly unattainable goals for the future of their specialty in the country. Today, the PBO has become an institution. It has gradually grown in number to include all those who believe that being in a specialty requires [...]

By |2021-03-16T05:22:10+08:00March 16th, 2021|Updates|0 Comments

Valedictory Speech by Dr. Rachel Yang-Lim

  By: Dr. Rachel Yang-Lim July 3, 2024 When I accepted this honor of heading the PBO four years ago, I set forth two main goals: membership growth and universities craving PBO accreditation. While these were very long term and challenging goals, I’m happy to report that we have achieved a little of both. In [...]

By |2025-02-09T13:58:54+08:00January 19th, 2021|Updates|0 Comments

Valedictory Address of Dr. Angela C. Castro- Centeno

This is the first time in the history of the Association of Philippine Orthodontists and the Philippine Board of Orthodontics that the induction ceremony is held virtually. The health crisis and economic difficulties that we are facing do not stop us from moving forward.  As long as we give our best efforts and we believe [...]

By |2021-01-19T02:00:18+08:00January 17th, 2021|Updates|0 Comments

Inaugural Speech of Dr. Angela C. Castro-Centeno

Ten years ago, I stood before this august body as a new diplomate along with Dr. Marievic Reyes and Dr. Dennis Lim. Today, I am extremely honored to stand here again and accept the chairmanship of Philippine Board of Orthodontics. I am earnestly grateful and humbled for the trust and confidence I have received from [...]

By |2019-07-23T12:09:32+08:00July 23rd, 2019|Updates|Comments Off on Inaugural Speech of Dr. Angela C. Castro-Centeno

Inaugural Speech of Dr. Teresa Goduco

I accept the position as chairman of the PBO with humility. I am sure that despite my best efforts, I will disappoint some of you at times. But I am confident that with our very able and reliable executive council and support of all the PBO diplomates, the task will not be so daunting. To [...]

By |2018-04-16T11:41:40+08:00January 27th, 2017|Updates|Comments Off on Inaugural Speech of Dr. Teresa Goduco

Valedictory Address of Dr. Marianne Perez-Hernandez

The past two years have seen the PBO under my helm. It has been such an honor, and I am very grateful to everyone who has generously given me their support, especially the PBO officers and committee heads. These past years have seen the PBO being active in global events such as the World Federation [...]

By |2017-01-27T11:38:40+08:00January 27th, 2017|Updates|Comments Off on Valedictory Address of Dr. Marianne Perez-Hernandez

WFO Gazette Announcements

The World Federation of Orthodontists, like the United Nations, is comprised of the nationally recognized orthodontic specialty societies and associations from 109 nations of which the Association of Philippine Orthodontists (APO) has been a Charter Member since 1995. The WFO has also recognized 15 orthodontic certifying boards around the world, including the Philippine Board of [...]

By |2018-04-16T11:41:40+08:00February 6th, 2015|Updates|Comments Off on WFO Gazette Announcements

Valedictory Address of Dr. Sandy Adriano

Fellow orthodontists and distinguished guests, Good evening to all of you. It seemed so recent when I reluctantly accepted the post of Chair of the Philippine Board of Orthodontics. Following in the footsteps of the most esteemed orthodontists in the Philippines, I was wary if I could take the job and accomplish what they did [...]

By |2015-02-08T06:28:59+08:00February 5th, 2015|Updates|Comments Off on Valedictory Address of Dr. Sandy Adriano

Dues-Free Student Membership in the WFO

All graduate orthodontic students whose university programs applied for accreditation with the Philippine Board of Orthodontics are enjoined to take advantage of their eligibility to apply for “dues-free” student membership in the World Federation of Orthodontists. Contact your program chair for more information or go to Vol. 18 found in http://www.wfo.org/news/gazettes/past-gazettes

By |2018-04-16T11:41:40+08:00September 8th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Dues-Free Student Membership in the WFO

True Convergence

Click here to download: “Philippine Board of Orthodontics 2011-2012: True Convergence and Change”, by Dr. Robert I. Eustaquio, PBO Chair 2011-2012.

By |2014-09-08T16:45:48+08:00September 8th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on True Convergence

PBO Officers 2021-2022

Dr. Rachel Yang-Lim, Chairperson
Dr. Ma. Victoria Reyes, Vice-Chair
Dr. Annabelle D. Kopio, Secretary
Dr. Katherine Ong, Treasurer
Dr. Rossana L. Sanchez, Auditor
Dr. Sandra Adriano, Examination Committee Chair
Dr. Ermelinda Galang, Accreditation & Credentials Committee Chair
Dr. Marilyn Leung, Judicial and Ethics Committee Chair
Dr. Dennis Lim, Public & Professional (PubPro) Relations chair
Executive Council of the PBO 2017-2018