Induction of PBO Executive council for 2023-2024

The induction of PBO Executive council for 2023-2024 was held via zoom platform on August 2, 2022. The inducting officer was Hon. Dr. Carlito D. Paragas, a member of the Philippine Regulatory Board of Dentistry (PRBOD) and Chairperson of CPSP-CATS Committee for Dentistry.

Dr. Rachel Yang-Lim, Chairperson
Dr. Maria Teresa P. Goduco, Vice-Chair
Dr. Annabelle Eloise D. Kopio, Secretary
Dr. Katherine C. Ong, Treasurer
Dr. Roberto B. Tan, Auditor
Dr. Maria Victoria R. Reyes, Examination Committee Chair
Dr. Angela C. Centeno, Accreditation & Credentials Committee Chair
Dr. Marilyn Leung, Judicial and Ethics Committee Chair
Dr. Rossana L. Sanchez, Public & Professional (PubPro) Relations chair